Moin Mir is a writer of both non-fiction and fiction. Working with history and understanding it through the lens of philosophy, Mir’s writings have received international acclaim. Contextualising the past for contemporary social and human relevance, his work has many splendored contours spanning across translations, popular historical narratives, Sufi poetry and novels. He is represented by Charlie Campbell of Greyhound Literary Agents.
His passion for literature, history and philosophy makes him an obsessive traveller which takes him across spectacular geographical landscapes spanning continents, lost libraries and the marvels of historical monuments both known and the ones that are faintly shimmering in the mist of time. One of the stops in his travels is the international literature festival circuit where he can be seen speaking on Sufism, travel writing and history.
Besides literature festivals, he has spoken at Christies London, Kings College, SOAS and at The Royal Asiatic Society, London. His latest book, ‘The Lost Fragrance of Infinity’ is a novel that has been hailed as “The Gospel of it’s times with a text so astounding that if a million copies were taught by rote the world would see a better direction and the melting of hearts” (India Today, October 2021). The book was also in the Top 5 reads of Times of India for 2021. Read more about ‘The Lost Fragrance of Infinity’ under Books.
Fluent in Urdu and Persian, he lives in London.
Moin Mir
Deeply influenced by the metaphysical works of the Sufis and Greek philosophers he began writing under the guidance of his grandfather, Mir Khairat Ali Khan- A leading scholar of Sufism in India.
Mir Khairat Ali Khan, Moin Mir's paternal grandfather was one of India's leading luminaries, theologian and an expert on Mirza Ghalib and Persian mathematician and poet Omar Khayyam. His works included 'Musawwar-e-Ghalib' (a translation of the poet's work in English) and a wide range of lectures at the Theosophical Society of India and the Indo-Arab Society. These lectures were published as 'Ghalib's Ethics'- A comparative analysis of the philosophies of Ghalib and Omar Khayyam and 'A Path of Peace'- An analysis of the Spanish born philosopher, Ibn Arabi's metaphysics. Moin Mir's grandmother Ziaunnissa-Ladli Begum was a dasher and traveller, having spent most of her youth travelling between India, Baghdad, Cairo and the Levant. Brought up by this immensely curious, writer-traveller couple, Moin discovered the stirring beauty and power of imagination and the boundless love for books, poetry and travel.
Ziaunnissa Ladli Begum - Rani of Kamadhia, 1939
Mir Ghulam Moinuddin Khan - Darbar of Kamadhia, 1939
Musawwar-e-Ghalib (Translations of Ghalib's poetry into English by Mir Khairat Ali Khan)
Mir Khairat Ali Khan - Darbar of Kamadhia.
Ghalib’s Ethics: Essays and lectures by Mir Khairat Ali Khan